This is a community announcement from The Ithaca Voice and local independent radio station WRFI regarding their upcoming “Conversations with Candidates” collaboration series.
WRFI and Voice of Ithaca are collaborating on a special series of interviews with candidates for the Common Council of Ithaca. Listen to WRFI’s Celia Clarke and Matt Butler at 6pm daily from June 12-15. Voice of Ithaca Talk to the candidates for each of the four contested seats, plus talk about the mayoral elections in the coming weeks. This series is partially supported by Cayuga Health.
The forum can be heard on WRFI (88.1 FM in Ithaca, 91.9 FM in Watkins Glen) and the accompanying transcript is available at: Voice of Ithaca Content as it aired and a recap of Thursday’s Candidate Forum at GIAC. All of this will be available ahead of the first step in the historic 2023 election cycle in which all elected officials in Ithaca City will be re-elected. This electoral cycle calls for re-election every 10 years after census results determine a change of district within the city. The primary election will be held on June 27, and early voting will begin on June 17.
Candidates and dates on which broadcasts can be heard are as follows.
June 12 – District 1 (4 years) – Incumbent Cynthia Block, Kayla Matos
June 13th – District 2 (two-year seat) – West Fox, incumbent Chris Haynes Sharp, appointed by Ariel Jackson
June 14th – 3rd arrondissement – David Shapiro, Nathan Sitaraman, Pierre Saint-Perez (2 years)
June 15th – District 5 – Margaret Fabrizio (4 years), Jason Horton (2 years), Clyde Lederman (2 years), Michelle Song (4 years)
There are no primary elections for Democratic candidates in District 4.
If you’re familiar with city politics, find out which ward you live in here.
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