When looking for a job, you shouldn’t pay to get an interview. Employers pay recruiters, not candidates. However, the cost will be incurred according to the appearance. Outsourcing Customer Communications His provider, her Moneypenny, calculated the average cost of a job interview in the US as $72.29. This includes transportation, her hour at average wage, lunch and coffee. If he’s only included three times in the hiring process, he’s spending over $200 just interviewing at one company.
Moneypenny looked at interview costs in 20 US cities and found Oklahoma City to be the cheapest city at $60.31 per interview. Colorado Springs was his highest at $77.78. Again, this is his one interview quote. If you search multiple companies and have multiple interviews with each company, the cost can run into the hundreds of dollars.
How Moneypenny pays this price is debatable. You don’t have to buy lunch and coffee for every interview. You don’t lose an hour’s wages because you don’t have to miss work. However, job hunting costs money. These costs should be budgeted if the candidate plans to change jobs in the near future. Even if you don’t plan to retire, include these expenses in your emergency fund for layoffs and other unforeseen circumstances.
1 – opportunity cost
If you have to take a personal day at work for a full interview day, it is paid time off and will not be paid when you leave. Even if you use your unpaid lunch or after-work hours to get to your interview, there are opportunity costs in not doing something else (e.g. time with family, exercise, extra time at work). effort). As you plan your job search for the next few months, think about where your search hours will come from. If it’s not easy to get to and from work, start by saving your vacation time.
2 – Networking meal
You may not need to buy lunch for every job interview, but meeting old colleagues over lunch or introducing yourself to a recruiter over a cup of coffee is a common part of job hunting. That’s it. People hire people and help deepen relationships over food. If you’re looking for help with your search, picking up the tab is a nice gesture (if you get some bad career advice along the way, here are his three steps for dealing with it). You don’t have to network while you eat, and you don’t have to go out for expensive meals, but plan to spend part of your career investment on food.
3 – Rituals and Rewards
Moneypenny included a pre-interview coffee in their interview cost tally. Drinking coffee for a caffeine kick is an example of a ritual you might have during your job search, another ritual is getting a massage or a night out after submitting her first 10 job applications. You may. Or buy fresh flowers for your workspace to motivate you to keep working.
4 – Professional Events
In addition to meeting people through food, you may meet people at association meetings and conferences. There are membership and registration fees for active participation in your field. This can be a waste of money if you’re targeting hard-to-reach senior management. However, dues and fees can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars when travel is involved, so budget accordingly.
5 – Class and/or Certification
If your job goals include new areas or skill sets, classes and certifications may be required to give you a competitive edge. (Before you think you have to go back to school, ask yourself these 10 questions.) You can start with free online workshops and resources in public libraries, but advanced training usually comes at a cost.
6 – Grooming costs
Break that steam iron! If you want to have an executive presence, you should dress the part. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the office, remember to try on your interview clothes well in advance of the big meeting to make sure they still fit.
7 – Tech upgrade
Even if you interview entirely on Zoom, it’s a good idea to invest in a ring light, wall art to beautify your background, or a good microphone and camera. A gloomy interview can make you look depressed, even if your communication skills are good. Interfering microphones and cameras will interrupt the interview, even if the other person understands.
Job hunting costs more – plan accordingly
Of course, you have to invest time in preparing for the interview so that you can do well. Time is the most important currency in the job search. Time to prepare for interviews, research companies, follow up on networks, submit applications, and more. However, you will also need a budget to cover the above costs and to continue your job search. Think of it as a dream fund for your next big career adventure.
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