Gabbard played all instruments on Colemine’s debut, ‘Homemade’ (2021), but enlisted the help of some friends on ‘Cedar City Sweetheart’. He retained his 2019 music tracks provided by M. Ross Perkins (keyboards), Sven Kahns (pedal steel), Ryan Wells (banjo), and Leslie Jankowski (fiddle). For the new vinyl release, Gabbard reworked the guitar, bass and drum parts at his Dayton home.
“We were able to re-record the album without having all the guests redo their parts,” he said. “I recorded it on the click track, and everyone else recorded their parts professionally, so I was able to rummage through Dropbox and find all the orphaned steel guitars, fiddles, banjos, and keyboards, and put them on the record. We’ve reworked the drums, guitars and vocals, and it sounds much better.It’s like a remastered version of the record, with some new songs.”
Gabbard found a home in Colemine, run by another Middletowner, Terry Cole. In 2022, he released his debut album “Gabbard Brothers” by a new project with his younger brother Zack. Although he’s recorded other solo material, Gabbard isn’t in the rush to release material as he used to. He wants to give Cole and his team time to properly process the record and promote it in the press and radio.
“We have a few more albums ready,” said Gabbard. “I always rush things. It would be wise to promote the release to
For more information: www.coleminerecords.com.
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