“The Perfect Pitch” follows two teams of music composers and sound designers to execute and deliver their work in response to creative briefs and “challenges” from prominent marketing and advertising executives. Draw. Each episode presents a new and unique creative challenge.
Along the way, listeners will learn the techniques they use, the art of audio production, and more. At the end of each episode, brand executives will pick a winner.
Brand guests, including CMOs of Indeed, Athletic Greens, and Frito-Lay, presented audio creatives in challenges such as creating a 30-second audio spot that encapsulates the emotions they might feel when hearing the word “you.” to test. Adopted! Or design and manufacture a storage device that evokes the sound of the iconic Doritos triangle.
BANG composers Brian Jones and Timo Elliston wrote the score and theme music for the show, with senior engineer Nick Cipriano handling the mix duties and Alec Setten handling production.
Television host and comedian Hunter March will host the show.
Grace Kao, Head of Advertising Business Marketing at Spotify, said: “Perfect he pitch takes people inside and takes the listener on a journey of understanding the art of audio production. Spotify offers advertisers and creative thought a unique canvas to play, create and innovate.” Offers”. We wanted to shed light on that process and encourage others to be creative. ”
BANG & Awwhy Nice will continue its partnership with previous series including Coupledom with Idris and Sabrina Elba for Audible, The Messenger and The Last Resort for Spotify.
Episode 1, You’re Hired (with Indeed.com), is available exclusively on Spotify.
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