This time the error is in the way Coolwalk renders the audio app card. Spotify may not show playback controls in the multi-app view unless the user manually launches it on his mobile device.
The new Android Auto design allows users to run multiple apps side by side using a CarPlay dashboard-inspired approach. The application uses its own cards for each category he has one card.
Navigation solutions, whether Google Maps or alternative apps, received the biggest cards because they required the most screen real estate. Calls and audio apps can access Coolwalk’s little card.
Even though the Spotify card is loaded correctly, the app may not display the playback controls. I noticed this behavior after installing the April 17th update, but so far the issue doesn’t seem to be widespread.
I’ve also seen other users report the same issue with Coolwalk. We will continue to monitor our primary feedback channels as the latest version is installed on more devices.
Whenever Spotify fails to load the dedicated Coolwalk card, launching the app on my mobile device brings it back to normal. This happens on my Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4, but I don’t think it’s a device-specific issue.
There seems to be no workaround. So it could be another glitch that Google has to fix with Coolwalk.
In the meantime, the rollout of new interfaces will continue. Google unveiled his Coolwalk in January and has been phasing the design into effect ever since. This approach gives the search giant more time to find and fix bugs early on before moving to more production devices.
It’s not clear if this glitch is something Google has to fix urgently, but Spotify appears to be the only audio app to struggle with it. YouTube Music works fine in my car and Android Auto doesn’t require the app to be launched on the mobile device. This may indicate that Spotify needs to optimize further, so an app update may fix the behavior.
Issues that may be related to Android Auto have been affecting Spotify users since late 2022. At that point, Premium subscribers realized they couldn’t launch apps with Android Auto unless they were also running on mobile devices. A generic error “Spotify doesn’t seem to be working right now” popped up on my screen and I couldn’t listen to any music. In both cases, removing the phone from the car and playing music on the mobile device worked fine.
Despite initially asking for more information about the bug, Google has yet to announce a fix.
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