Spotify announced today that it is removing the heart icon. But don’t worry. It’s all for a higher purpose.
There used to be a heart icon for “marking songs you want to save,” and Spotify, in a blog post, used an “add to playlist” icon for adding tracks and episodes to your favorite playlist. rice field.
From now on, you will see a single plus icon instead. Press the plus to choose where to save songs, playlists and podcasts with one tap.
Tap the plus button to save the song or podcast episode. The plus will change to a green check when the selection has been successfully added to your favorite songs or episodes. Tap the green check to change where the saved content is saved. You can also add entire albums, playlists, or audiobooks to your library by clicking the plus.
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According to Spotify, this is the latest step in its ongoing effort to “create a more intuitive experience and make it easier to enjoy the music and podcasts you love.”
The new plus icon/button is rolling out to all iOS and Android users today, and will be available on other platforms “in the coming weeks.”
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