Apple TV+ comedy set in the 1980s Physical It follows Sheila (Rose Byrne), a woman who finds an unexpected purpose in aerobics and struggles to stay positive about the mean voice in her head. In the second season, the show expands Sheila’s world and presents new problems to overcome, but also some of the best characters from the first season, such as her former partner and current rival Bunny (Dela Saba). will appear.
Awards Radar had the opportunity to speak with Saba, who had a much friendlier demeanor than her on-screen persona, and what she sees of herself in the character.
“I think maybe a lot of my core inner life is similar to hers, but I think we express things in incredibly different ways. Bunny expresses himself with anger.” i think [we have] Same vulnerability, I feel like an outsider at times and it has to do with wanting to belong. But for her, her anger can explode or implode, and I definitely don’t live there as a person. part was used. ”
She also talks about the challenges of playing an aerobics instructor:
“That was one of my favorite parts. On this show, I had to learn aerobics. I don’t like working out, which was great through the pandemic, but as soon as I was given the role I watched all the aerobics tapes online…and that was really my favorite part. Those were moments with a group of people because I couldn’t.”
Watch the full conversation below.
Seasons 1 and 2 of Physical Streaming on Apple TV+.
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