(WKBN) — In this week’s In-Depth segment, WKBN Community Affairs Director Dee Crawford discussed 211 with Vince Brancaccio, CEO of Northeast Ohio Help Network.
If you need help, there are various numbers to call, including 911, 211, and now 988.
Brancaccio explained how 211 can help.
“That is why 211 is known for its so-called information referral and support services. In Lake and Ashtabula counties, after hours of weekends, you can find people who are trained and who understand all the different resources in those counties,” said Brancaccio. explained.
More than 20 full-time and part-time staff respond to the crisis hotline, Brancaccio said.
“Now we have an online database that we share. So anyone with internet access can go to helpnetworkneo.org. All these resources are in that database,” added Brancaccio.
These resources include food, housing and even utility assistance. People looking for help can search at their location.
Brancaccio also highlighted the differences between the 911, 211 and 988. In summary, 988 is the new suicide crisis hotline. 211 is the information inquiry support number, and 911 is the emergency call number.
For more information, watch the video above.
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