Transformers: Rise of the Beast The seventh installment in the Transformers franchise offers an all-new story, new characters (the introduction of Maximals) and some fresh settings for the 15-year-old film series. Technically a follow-up to 2018’s “Bumblebee,” the film transports us to 1994 New York City. There, the Autobots and new human adversaries must unite to stop the evil Decepticons from destroying the Earth. On the surface, that description may not sound like anything new, but Rise of the Beasts does a solid job of bringing a different style and feel to the series and reinvigorating it.
We recently attended a press junket for the film (in New York) and had the opportunity to speak with key members of the cast and crew. Anthony Ramos and Dominic Fishback, who play the two main human protagonists of the film, transformers What it means to them growing up, and how this movie is different from the others in the series. Co-star Toby Nwigwe talks about his feature film debut, how he feels about the acting process, and his collaboration with Nas on the soundtrack. Director Steven Caple Jr. discusses the challenges of tackling such a blockbuster film with such high expectations, Transformers’ longstanding connection with his brand, and what he’d like to see in a potential sequel. And finally, producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura delves into the series’ perseverance, what’s to come (spoilers: major crossover coming soon), and what to expect from next year’s Transformers anime origin story. I’m here. Transformers: One
Transformers: Rise of the Beast is playing now! Read our review!
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