Every year on May 15th, Palestinians celebrate a gloomy day. Nakba (Arabic for “catastrophe”) struck Palestinians before and during 1948, expelled from their historic and ancestral lands by Zionist militias.
Mass expulsions followed during the Nakba period, depopulating hundreds of villages, destroying their homes, and killing thousands.
Jewish Irgun, Haganah and Stern Gang militias committed a series of mass atrocities, including dozens of massacres.
Here are five real-life massacres.
balad al sheikh
According to Walid Khalidi in his book Everything, on December 31, 1947, the first large-scale attack by the Haganah Zionist militia took place against the village of Balad al-Sheikh, east of the port city of Haifa. Between 60 and 70 Palestinians were killed. it remains.
The orders of the raiding militia were to kill as many adult men as possible. A force of 170 Palmachs (the elite units of the Haganah) fired their weapons and blew up houses, dragging out and shooting adult men. Two women and five children were also killed, and another 40 were injured, according to the Hagana General Staff. Dozens of homes were also destroyed in the attack.
After the January 7, 1948 massacre, many families fled their villages. It was occupied by Zionist forces by late April of the same year.
1948 年にハガナによって 2 回の虐殺が行われました。1 回目は 2 月中旬、もう 1 回目は 10 月末でした。 ハガナ氏の推定によると、ハリディ氏の著書によると、2月15日、パルマッハ軍がサーサー村を襲撃し、数軒の家屋で爆発物を爆発させ、10軒の家が破壊され、「数十人」が死亡したという。 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は当時、11人が死亡し、うち5人が子供で、14軒の家屋も破壊されたと報じた。
元ハガナ国家参謀長イスラエル・ガリリ氏によると、2度目の虐殺は10月30日に「大量殺人」が行われた。 オール・ザット・リメインズによると、殺害された人の正確な数は不明であり、殺害の詳細な説明もなかった。 やがて村は過疎化した。
1948 年以前、この村はサファドを含む多くの都市中心部を結ぶ交差点にあることで知られていました。 そこには、湧き水、リンゴやオリーブの木、ブドウの木が点在していました。 1949 年に、同じ名前のイスラエル人入植地が村の敷地に設立されました。
1948年4月9日、シオニスト政権による最も凶悪な犯罪の一つにより、110人以上のパレスチナ人の男性、女性、子供が虐殺されました。 虐殺はエルサレム西郊外にあるかつて栄華を極めたデリ・ヤシン村で起きた。 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は当時、犠牲者の半数は女性と子供だったと報じた。
捕らえられた人々はシオニスト軍によって一斉検挙され、エルサレム旧市街を練り歩いた。 その後、一部は近くの採石場に連れて行かれ、処刑されました。 村に連れ戻されて殺された人もいた。
当時31歳だったパレスチナ人の活動家ヒンド・アル・フセイニさんは、エルサレム旧市街の聖墳墓教会近くで孤児たちを発見した。 虐殺から2週間後の4月25日、ハインドさんは家族の邸宅でダル・アル・ティフェル・アル・アラビを設立した。 この組織はデリ ヤシンの孤児に対応し、その後はパレスチナ全土からの孤児にも対応しました。
現在、いくつかの村の家の跡には精神病院が建っています。 かつて市の中心部だった場所は、現在はバス停になっています。 1949 年、1906 年に建設された初期の入植地の延長として、デリ ヤシンの遺跡に入植地ギヴァト ショール ベットが設立されました。1980 年代初頭、ハフ ノフ入植地が設立されたとき、村の土地の簒奪は続きました。 国際法の下では、パレスチナ人の土地に建設されたすべての入植地は違法である。
On October 30, 1948, a massacre was carried out by the Sheva (7th) Brigade of the Israeli Army. According to various testimonies, including Israeli historian Benny Morris, by Israel Galili of the Haganah National General Staff, the army entered the village, blew up what was believed to be a house or a mosque, and took refuge. Between 60 and 94 people died. inside.
The village was completely sparsely populated except perhaps for an elementary school. Concerning the structures built in Saliha that remain today, Walid Khalidi writes: “The only remaining landmark is a long building with lots of tall windows (presumably a school).”
The site is flat cultivated land, with much of the surrounding land planted with apple trees by Israeli farmers. The Israeli settlements of Eiron and Avivim are now located on the former land of Saliha.
“It used to stand on a plain at the edge of a rugged wadi,” Khalidi describes the village. [ravine]It is called “Wadi Sariha” in the upper part of the Galilee Mountains near the border with Lebanon. Salman Abu Sitta, author of The Palestine Atlas, estimated the number of registered Palestinian refugees from Salih in 2008 was over 8,000.
lida (lid/rod)
On July 9, 1948, Zionist forces launched a major military operation known as Operation Dani, aimed at capturing the cities of Lydda and Ramla. According to Salman Abu Sitta’s Palestine Atlas, between July 9 and 13, militias killed dozens of Palestinians, possibly as many as 200. The citywide massacre led to a “death march”, the mass expulsion of Palestinians.
“The massacres were carried out in two stages, the first during the occupation of the city and the second during the mass expulsion of the population. It is considered. Eliminated by the Israelis,” says the Interactive Encyclopedia of Palestinian Issues.
The Israeli militia, with the consent of David Ben-Gurion, and on direct orders from Yitzhak Rabin, then director of operations for Operation Dani, took 60,000 to 70,000 residents of the two towns and from neighboring villages. of refugees were deported. Those who took refuge in the Lida Mosque were massacred. Between 80 and 176 people inside the Damash Mosque were massacred with machine guns, grenades and rockets. 25 were killed elsewhere.
The rest became known as the “Death March” to Ramallah and were expelled at gunpoint by Rabin. Old men, women and children fell on the roadside and died of exhaustion, dehydration and disease.
Money and women’s jewelry were looted at will by Israeli soldiers. Some were killed if they resisted. Looting was so prolific that it is said that 1,800 trucks were loaded with stolen goods.
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