Nine years after the first installment of The Singularity Trilogy, virtuoso progressive metallers Scar Symmetry, who recently re-signed with Nuclear Blast Records, have announced The Singularity (Phase II – Xenotaph), out June 9th.
Coinciding with the announcement, the band also released a video for the album’s first single, “Scorched Quadrant”. Watch the video below and stream the song here on all services.
Following the announcement, band mastermind Per Nilsson said: But I’m glad we went the extra mile to make everything perfect as we felt it was necessary.
The world of 2023 is a different place than the world of 2014 when Neo-Humanity was released… We are witnessing the rise of AI before our very eyes, and we are stunned by the wonders it creates. It’s easy to think of some things while being in awe. A very disturbing scenario. Our new album explores these themes of neo-humanity, artificial intelligence and technological singularity again from a dystopian perspective.
AI-enhanced neo-humans are waging war against the unmodified majority of humanity who have missed a chance against their technologically superior oppressors. One day, a saving light appears in the night sky. It’s almost impossible to take in the first time. Like a totally alien mirage, out of nowhere, a mysterious, gigantic spaceship quietly emerges from the heavens. Travelers both galactic and interdimensional, these extraterrestrials have been watching over humanity for millennia, but while the technocalyptic Cybergeddon ravages our planet, He seems to have decided to do nothing.
We recently renewed our pledge with Nuclear Blast. We are very excited to take the next phase (ahem) of our career with them!
The “Phase II” touring cycle begins today. Fittingly, I start with a tour in support of my former employer, Meshuggah. We look forward to seeing you all on tour, but until then, see you in the Scorched Quadrant!”
Pre-order The Singularity (Phase II – Xenotaph) here.
Track list:
“Chrono Nautilus”
“Burning Quadrant”
“Digiphrenia Dawn”
“Hyperborean Plains”
“Grid Worm”
“Voyage with a tail meteor”
“Soul Scanner”
“Scorched Quadrant” video:
line up:
Robert Karlsson – vocals
Lars Palmkvist – vocals
Per Nilsson – vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards
Benjamin Ellis – guitar
Henrik Olsson – drums
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