Synopsis : At work, she’s a famous assassin. At home, she’s a single mother of teenage girls. Easy to kill. Parenting is hard.
- evaluation: TVMA (language|smoking|violence)
- Genre: action, mystery, thriller
- Original language: Korean
- directed by: Byun Sung-hyun
- Writer: Byun Sung-hyun
- Release Date (Streaming):
- runtime:
- Wholesaler: netflix
Interview with director Byun Sung Hyun
Q: You made a movie with Jeon Do-yeon as your mother. There are a lot of themes of fairness and weakness — her weakness of being a mother — or did you think it was weakness and strength? It seems that it was also everyone else’s weakness, including the intern who chose .
SB: Regarding the concept of weakness, Bok-soon’s weakness as a mother is the fact that she kills people. And her weakness as a murderer is that she has a daughter. The way you described how Boxon himself became a weakness for other characters was very obvious. Mingyu also wanted to hide that Bok Soon was her weak point.
Bok Soon and Mingyu pull on each other’s weaknesses, and Bok Soon does it quite openly. However, Mingyu seems to come to Bok Soon with a weakness, but I also wanted to depict him as Bok Soon’s savior. He is depicted as a character who can give everything and take everything away. But towards the end of her story, you’ll find her searching and searching for godly beings.
Meanwhile, the camera pans to Mingyu’s corpse. I tried to bring him such a savior metaphor. When one of the representatives of Killer Company dies, there is also a scene where a table is shaped into the shape of a cross to metaphorically bring in the idea of a savior. I wanted you to love and admire me.
Q: The script for this movie started with Jeon Do-yeon in mind. You have a pretty impressive list of movie projects — Kingmaker and you have a pretty impressive list these days. How do you come up with the concepts for these particular movies? Do you have a long list or does it come to you suddenly?
SB: Many directors have a long list of ideas for future works. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m not the planning type. what do i do now No matter how hard you try, sometimes things don’t go your way. My ideas tend to come to me when I’m not intentionally looking for them. It was the first time that the story started with an actor. I have a feeling it will be the last time. For my future work, I will focus more on what kind of story I want to tell.
This time, in the process, I hadn’t decided on the story I wanted to tell, so it was challenging in a way, but I was driven by the urge to say, “Okay, I want to work with Jeon Do-young. What should I do?” ?” She had written the opening sequence, but after she had written it, she had to wait months to continue because she had no story to tell. Over the course of many conversations and drinks with Do-young, I witnessed the contradictions and cynicism of her being her mother and a top Korean actor. I was very intrigued there and that’s where it all started.
Q: When it came to adapting the script for film, what decisions did you make regarding the amount of violence in the action?
SB: I wanted the rest of the movie to be more like a cartoon, except for the scene where Mingyu puts the character Sergeant Shin on the table and goes on a rampage. I excluded it because it was an important scene in terms of expression. It also shows the level of affection he has for Boxun. It was a deliberate decision. I really wanted to bring a comic book feel to the film. This is one of the reasons behind his opening sequence. Given her status in the Korean film industry, I thought it was a very bold and very interesting way to grab an audience. You see this very famous top actor, the main character, and within minutes of the opening of the film you see her beheaded. found it to be overly violent.
Q: Jeon Do-yeon was injured during filming, but he returned to work immediately. How carefully did you prepare the set after her injury?
SB: Safety issues are very unpredictable when you’re shooting an action movie. All you can do is be as careful as possible. However, Doyoung was actually very enthusiastic and expressed his desire to do everything as written. But the day after my injury, Doyoung and I said, ‘I’m never doing an action movie again. Our cameraman half-jokingly said, “Yeah, it’s not something you do.”
Even just watching what was happening on set was a rather painful process. had to do. Therefore, no matter how much preparation and training I did, there was an inevitable drawback. Rather than putting in special attention, extra mechanics, etc., we just made some changes in terms of filming methodology.
Q: “Kill Boxon” isn’t all about revenge. You don’t take that clichéd approach about the hired contract killers they kill, but there’s a sense of emotion to it. Or did it happen while you were writing the Boxon character?
SB: When you hear the subject of a murderer or a mother-daughter relationship, everyone has a scenario they can easily anticipate. Your daughter has been kidnapped or her daughter died and you want revenge on her or you have to fight to protect her daughter. These are the three things I definitely wanted to avoid in “Kill Boxon.”
Even in the action scenes, I wanted to make sure that Bok-sun never fought an anonymous character in the movie. Bokusun fights only characters that viewers are introduced to or know through the story. I wanted to talk about how mothers and daughters are individuals who develop themselves.
Q: And you used color so well that it had meaning.
SB: Regarding the use of colors, we used different colors. In particular, I used a lot of contrast between red and green. Green is a color that represents how a mother wants her daughter to be, a mother’s perspective of how she wants her to be, but not her daughter’s identity. In addition, when Jaeyoung wears a red jacket, the daughter’s color is red, which is exactly the same as Bokusun’s.
It can also be seen in the side dishes that Jae Young always wants to eat and the side dishes that her mother always makes her eat. In the scene where Jae-young comes out to his mother, we see Bok-soon leaving the room full of plants and Jae-young in a green room full of plants. I also drew a contrast there. In the changing scene, if Bok-soon was wearing a bright red suit, Jae-young was wearing a little red socks, showing that she has her ego expressed in color. red.
Check out more articles by Nobuhiro.
Click here for the movie trailer.
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