Listening to good music at the right time can make a bad day better.
Researchers at Michigan State University found that our favorite songs can also enhance the effects of medications. bottom.
Music therapy has been shown to be beneficial in treating pain and anxiety in previous studies. This time, a music-listening intervention was studied to see if it could reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea.
According to Jason Keenan, an assistant professor at the College of Nursing, the music listening intervention is like an over-the-counter drug [1]Twelve chemotherapy patients listened to their favorite song for 30 minutes each time they took anti-nausea medication during the study.
For five days after chemotherapy, subjects repeated the music intervention whenever nausea occurred. A total of 64 events were reported by patients.
According to Professor Keenan, music stimulates all kinds of neurons in the brain. The brain interprets pain and anxiety as conditions, and chemotherapy-induced nausea is a neurological, not a stomach condition.
The research team observed a reduction in the severity and distress of the patient’s nausea, but Kiernan said it was difficult to determine precisely whether the gradual release of the drug or the increased benefit of the music was the cause. I am warning you.
Future researchers will be inspired by another study that measured levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter) released by platelets after listening to both pleasant and unpleasant music. “Chemotherapy-induced nausea is primarily driven by serotonin,” says Keenan. “Cancer patients take drugs to block the action of serotonin.”
Building on that previous project, the researchers noted that patients listening to pleasant music experienced the lowest levels of serotonin release. Increased serotonin levels.
Professor Kiernan concludes that this is interesting because it provides a neurochemical description of serotonin and how it was measured in my study. Wouldn’t it be interesting if pharmacological interventions could complement treatment?
This research clinical nursing research [2].
[1] https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2023/turn-up-your-favorite-song-to-improve-medication-efficacy
[2] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10547738221149895?journalCode=cnra
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