Tetris With an incredibly rich story for a storyless game to its name, the movie about the origins of everyone’s favorite pixelated block is a risky spy adventure in its own right. Written by Noah Pink, John S Directed by Baird, Tetris follows American entrepreneur Henk Rogers (although he was born in Holland and lived in Japan at the time). Get on board as he seeks to secure his rights from the uncompromising Soviet government.
Taron Egerton ( kingsman franchise) plays Rogers, who forms an unlikely friendship with the inventor of Tetris, Alexei Pajitnov (played by Nikita Efremov). In a move that would change handheld gaming forever, not to mention the global impact of communism, the two teamed up to legally take the game out of the Soviet Union and hand over the distribution rights to Nintendo. have to find a way.
screen rant We spoke to Baird about respecting the real-life subject matter of his films, turning Scotland into Russia, and working with Taron Egerton and producer Matthew Vaughan.
John S. Baird from Tetris
Screen Rant: I read that you spent time with Alexey, Henk, and his family and came to know what happened, even though you already had the script. What was it like and what surprised you most?
John S. Baird: Hank and Alexie spent some time together beforehand when we were working on the script.Since then, I have spent more time with Maya and Akemi. [Rogers] since the movie was made. She went to Hawaii and met them and spent a lot of time with them and got to know them, so that’s great.
I’ve made a lot of movies based on real life and real people, and it’s always fun to make. I have friends from the movies that I did years ago, and I think Maya, Henk, and Alexei are the same. I think that’s a good way. you have to take responsibility. You have to take pride in their story and in the end they also help promote the film so you need to get them invested in your film. must be
How do you make Scotland Russia?
John S. Baird: It’s hard, believe me. The two cities of his that we photographed were Glasgow and Aberdeen, both of which provided the basis for his two architectural types in Russia. One is Glaswegian neoclassicism and the other is Aberdeen’s more brutal style full of concrete things. was broken. Because obviously Moscow is a very sprawling city. But we always needed important buildings and everything. [the help of] Visual effects and a great visual effects team.
I love the collaboration between Taron and Matthew Vaughn. What was it like working with them to bring Tetris to life?
John S. Baird: I worked with Matthew more in post-production than writing or shooting. He was more involved in post-production and I was more focused on the film and the Cold War thriller aspect of the story. Matthew focused on the game and graphics aspects, so he incorporated a lot of that element. He was funny and I learned a lot working with him.
The friendship between Hank and Alexei is at the heart of the story. What was it like working with two actors and really respecting that relationship and knowing that the real person would see it?
Screen Rant: Due to the COVID pandemic, they never met in person, but they met quite often on Zoom.they have enough [those experiences] They felt it was necessary to create a version of a real person. And consider it always important. Because if it makes sense, it gives a real person confidence in who is playing him, and gives the actor confidence that a real person is behind the decisions.
About Tetris
Tetris is the incredible story of how one of the world’s most popular video games came into the hands of avid players around the world. Henk Rogers (Taron Egerton) discovered Tetris in 1988 and risked it all to travel to the Soviet Union, where he teamed up with Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov) to bring the game to the masses. I spread it. Based on a true story, Tetris is a Cold War-era thriller with dual villains, unexpected heroes, and a grueling race to the finish.
check out our other Tetris Read the interview here:
Tetris is now streaming on Apple TV+.
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