Ghosts and Molly McGee returned this weekend for season two, bringing some new challenges to Molly and her ghostly companion Scratch, and their families. In the premiere episode, Maggie gets her new neighbor, the Chens, a family of ghost hunters.Despite the threat now looming over Scratch, McGees and Chens were best friends, but McGees has a few. tricks are provided.
I recently had the opportunity to talk about an episode with show creators Bob Ross and Bill Mots. During our chat, the duo talked about bringing in Chens, why they gave Scratch that new position, Molly’s growth, and what else to expect from Season 2.
Note: This interview has been edited for clarity.
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Nerds & Beyond: When Season 1 ended, Ghost World didn’t have a chairman, but in the Season 2 premiere, we quickly learned that the title was in Scratch. Did you know early on that he would eventually take over the mantle? What prompted that decision?
Bob Ross: Halfway through season one, I think I came up with the idea. I have a power vacuum. someone has to fill it. And we thought it was interesting, who wants that job the least?
Bill Mots: [laughs] And also terrible at it.
Bob Ross: And do it badly.where can you see [Scratch] You may be tempted for a moment. He says, “Oh, I’m going to be in charge,” but it’s going to be an incredible burden for him. , will mess up in his afterlife. What happens to Scratch if he has to take responsibility?
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Bill Mots: I also like to give a lot of the comedy on the show a little substance by hanging some sort of larger theme.one of them [that] Many people want to grow and take leadership.[ing] become president. But being president is really hard, takes a lot of responsibility, and he has to be mindful of what he’s doing.So it was kind of a little metaphor [how] Leadership is hard and requires a lot of care and attention and thought.
Nerds & Beyond: Going a little further, given that the Ghost Council was having fun for the first time in this episode, how else does Scratch’s position affect what’s going on in Ghost World?
Bob Ross: good question. Again, he’s the leader now, right? He is in charge, and with that comes a lot of responsibility. As Bill said, being a leader is hard and you have to be intentional about it. Scratch is not. And it will lead to catastrophe. many of them.
Nerds & Beyond: This season also introduces Chens, who has already presented the McGees with some challenges. But I thought their introduction was so funny and so wholesome.How did you come up with this family that is so compatible with the McGees and so threatening to Scratch?
Bill Mots: It was interesting. We actually started with threats. I think we were talking about having—
Bob Ross: Ghost hunters are coming to Brighton.
Bill Mots: yes. And we thought we were fine. But then they’re going to be kind of antagonists. I thought, what do you know? It’s not as interesting as bringing in a family that looks like Maggie’s best friend’s and oh no, revealing that they’re the episode’s antagonists.
we looked inside the house [the McGees’] Living room window from Season 1. You should find out who lives there.So it was kind of fun to start by creating the idea that new neighbors moved in and that they are no escape from Chens. [the McGees’] We have to find a way to keep Scratch safe.
Nerds & Beyond: One of the little details I really liked was actually in the title sequence. There you can see that Libby and Jeff have been added to the group hug. We’ve already seen how Molly’s relationship with Scratch grows in Season 1.
Bob Ross: We get to see a lot more of Libby and Jeff. And it felt like they made their way into the main title credits.
Bill Mots: One of the things I enjoy about Season 2 is that I get to play a little more in the world I helped set up in Season 1, and get to know the characters a little more. So if there was something I wanted to reveal or accomplish in Season 1 and I still didn’t feel the timing was right, I could say that Season 2 was fine. Now is the time when we can address this for this character or investigate this for that character.
Nerds & Beyond: We recently got a trailer and based on it, it looks like Molly will have to deal with getting her first period. Why was it important to you to include a male figure in
Bob Ross: It was an idea that came out of the writer’s room. Specifically, I think my writer’s assistant, Peri Siegel, pitched it. Yes let’s do it. This is not the story we have seen before. We are always trying to find new things. We’re not going to confront the same old stories we’ve seen in our careers, or the same old stories we all see about pop culture.peri and madison [Bateman], our story editors had a very passionate discussion that this is something that should be standardized. It should not be taboo. So we were. What do you know, you are absolutely right.
Bill Mots: And that’s what our core viewers experience. That first period was a big event for our core audience, and we felt the need to reflect that.
Bob Ross: yes. So if you want Molly to feel like the kid everyone in your audience knows, she’ll have to go through all of this. In fact, they’re delighted and we’re so excited to have the opportunity to tell this story. I can’t wait for people to see it.
Nerds & Beyond: What do viewers hope to get out of this season in general?
Bob Ross: A lot of laughter, a lot of heart, a lot of good feelings. Your emotions have some roller coasters. Not everything will be easy and happy, but there is always a sense of optimism behind it. I want everyone to leave with a good feeling at the end.
Nerds & Beyond: What are you most proud of about the show so far, not just for Season 2, but for the show as a whole, curated viewers, and what story are you telling?
Bob Ross: oh that’s a good question.
Bill Mots: oh.like [that] Some of the fan feedback we got was how the show emotionally connected with people, or how people felt they were being seen and represented. It’s about — one of the things that moved me particularly deeply was the episode “Out of House and Home,” in which the McGees temporarily lost their home and became homeless. It was dealing with this kind of secret shame that Molly was trying to hide that it happened and trying to keep everything perfectly normal. and received messages that they tried desperately to hide their financial struggles over housing from their school friends. I felt really proud that we were able to tell that story and reveal a little more of what that struggle was like.
Thanks again to Bill and Bob for taking the time to chat with us! Ghosts and Molly McGee It airs Saturdays at 8 a.m. on Disney Channel. The first episode is now on YouTube, and his first five episodes are on Disney+ starting April 2nd.
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