The new documentary series, Dear Mama: The Story of Afeni and Tupac Shakur, has culminated in time for Mother’s Day. In the final episode, Eminem talked about how personal Tupac’s death was to him.
Slim Shady was not an international star at the time. He worked at a fast food restaurant with his friend Denaun Porter and produced music in his free time. Here he learned the shocking news, Eminem explained to an interviewer.
interviewer: Where were you and your career when Tupac died?
eminem: Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. I was cooking at a restaurant when I heard Tupac had passed away and the tickets were piling up. I’m like, “Never mind, fire me!” Gee, it was devastating. It’s just like “Oh my God”.
Tupac was the first rapper to make me cry. I felt him very much. You know, I didn’t know my father, and I had terrible things going on with my mother, and it was just like, ‘Oh my God, that’s me! He was a year older than me, and he was 25, so we were like, ‘What the hell…’.
After he died, he left ten more albums. He wrote Afeni and painted. She knew I was a huge Tupac fan. She seems like the sweetest woman I have ever met. She was like, ‘She does what she feels’. And they showed me all his a cappella. It was one of the happiest times of my life.
Together with his mother, Afeni Shakur, Marshall thus became the producer and executive producer of the soundtrack to the Tupac documentary Tupac: Resurrection (2003). And Eminem did full-scale production work on Tupac’s posthumous fifth album “Royal to the Game” (2004), which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200.
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