French electronic duo The: it recently announced the arrival of a brand new single.”warm, taken from their upcoming debut EP set to be released later this year. Consisting of producers Dejan Dejado and Andreas Schütz, il:lo creates a unique blend of angular yet airy deep he house, characterized by expansive builds and captivating textures.
“Cynnes” is a slow, atmospheric deep house track featuring a blend of soothing piano and soft vocals. Synths that resonate with the enigmatic atmosphere in the background give us the feeling of being in a subway tunnel, creating an urban cocoon in which we can evolve.
The soothing, peaceful instrumental featured on “Cynnes” is a testament to the duo’s extraordinary production skills. The track features a calm, tranquil sound that puts the listener into a calm, dreamy state. Il:lo’s aesthetic is one of fluidity and their music has a life of its own, creating a unique soundscape that is both soothing and enchanting.
Listening to il:lo’s music is like listening to a conversation. The two have worked together for over ten years, transcending borders, time and space. Dejan lives in Berlin and Andreas currently lives in the South of France. The pair go back and forth snippets and tracks until they are satisfied. This way of working allows them to breathe life into the project, so that it is more than just the sum of its parts.
il:lo’s “Cynnes” is a testament to the duo’s musical prowess through a unique blend of angular yet airy deep house, characterized by sweeping builds and captivating textures. The track’s soothing, peaceful instrumental, along with its enigmatic atmosphere, make it a standout piece in the electronic music genre.
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