Spotify provides the ability to hide songs in playlists or albums, but also unhide them if users change their minds.Hiding songs on Spotify is very it’s simple. To do this, tap her three dots next to the song,[曲を非表示‘ 再生を停止します。 ただし、曲を非表示にできるのはアルバムまたはパブリック プレイリストのみであり、検索、ユーザーが高く評価した曲、または個人のプレイリストからは非表示にできないことに注意してください。
ユーザーが Spotify でトラックを非表示にした場合、プレイリストまたはアルバムを聴いているときにキューで再生されません。 代わりに、曲はグレー表示され、ユーザーは操作できなくなります。 曲を再表示するには、ユーザーが行う必要があるのは、右側にある 3 つのドットをタップして、「隠れた.’ これを行うと、すぐにそのプレイリストで曲を再生できるようになります。
Spotify で非表示の曲が表示されない理由
This method should work most of the time, but what if the hidden songs are completely gone from Spotify? This is usually the result of the setting being enabled. To check, open Spotify and tap the settings (gear) icon in the upper right corner. ‘tapreproduction‘and’ go tohide unplayable songs‘ If the toggle next to this setting is on, disabling it will make all hidden songs visible again. Return to that playlist or album, scroll to find the hidden song, and clickindicate Make it playable again.
Unfortunately, Spotify doesn’t provide a way to see all the songs that users have hidden in one place. This means that the user has to manually unhide the songs they want to hear again. Moreover, even if the song is hidden, it will only be hidden for that particular album/playlist.So if the user is hidden blind light For example, if you listen to a song by The Weeknd from your mix or playlist, that song will still play. After several hours album. Likewise, even if a song is hidden, you can still find it and play it on Spotify.
For those wondering if it’s possible to hide an artist from Spotify, the good news is there’s an easy way to do it. Go to the artist’s profile on Spotify, tap her three dots below her name, then tap[do not play this artist‘ Once this is done, all songs from the artist will be greyed out in your profile and albums. Additionally, the playlist will no longer show tracks from that artist. To unhide the artist, tap her three dots on the profile and select[Allow this artist to playTo resume listening to their songs Spotify.
Source: Spotify
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