Candidates applying for the position of next Ypsilanti police chief will have their first interviews on Friday.
The four candidates are:
- John Carter served nine years as police chief in Monticello, a small city in central Illinois.
- Christopher Hammann, former police chief in three different small cities in Missouri and now chief of police in New Haven.
- Kirk Moore has over 30 years of law enforcement experience, most recently serving in Nevada as Captain of the City of Henderson Police Department.
- and lonely Michigan Craig Wilshere. He has been with the Canton Police Department for over 20 years, including five years as Deputy Chief.
Ypsilanti city manager Francis McMullan said he wanted to learn more about the candidate’s police strategy and working with diverse communities.
“But I’m curious to see how they’ve engaged the community in the program, perhaps created or implemented to facilitate community engagement in addressing violence.”
Interviews for all four candidates will take place this Friday, March 24, at City Hall. All prospective applicants will participate in a final interview on March 31st. This includes public events where residents can ask questions.
The YPD has been without a chief since Tony DeGiusti stepped down last August. Since then, Brent Yuchasz has served as interim chief.
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