Relations between Paris and Ouagadougou have deteriorated sharply since the Burkinabe army seized power in an October coup.
Burkina Faso’s military government has pulled France 24 off the air after the station aired an interview with the head of Al Qaeda’s North African branch.
A new channel this month features Yazid, also known as Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi, who claimed the title of “Al-Qaeda Chief of the Islamic Maghreb” (AQIM) in 2020 after a French raid killed his predecessor.・An interview with Mebarek was aired.
By interviewing the head of AQIM, “France 24 not only serves as an advocate for these terrorists, but worse, provides a space to justify their actions and hate speech.” ,” said Jean-Emmanuel Ouedraogo, Minister of Communications of Burkina Faso. said in a statement on Monday.
France Medias Monde, which operates France 24, could not be reached for comment on Burkina Faso’s decision at this time.
Relations between Paris and Ouagadougou have deteriorated sharply since the Burkina Faso army seized power in a coup in October.
In January, Burkina Faso gave its former colony France a month to withdraw its troops as it ended a military pact that allowed French forces to fight armed groups on its territory.
Anti-French sentiment has been growing in recent years in parts of Central and West Africa, some of which were under French colonial rule half a century ago.
Last March, neighboring Mali also suspended broadcasts by France 24 and French state-owned international RFI radio, accusing the media of reporting “false claims” that its forces had killed dozens of civilians. It worked like These claims were made by the United Nations and Human Rights Watch, a US-based human rights group.
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