the arrival of autumn An intense hybrid of heavy metal proficiency, metalcore intensity, and skyscraper-like melodic sensibility, it absorbs the icy emotions of its surroundings.
The group will channel this energy into their second full-length production. Kingdom And And Released May 26th Records of nuclear explosions.
Today, the band releases their second single, ‘Ghosts’. The scathing single takes listeners on a rollercoaster of riffs and haunting vocals. Check out the brooding music video here:
Watch the “Ghosts” video here: https://youtu.be/vuXiEJZCmmo
Listen to “Ghosts” on all streaming platforms: https://arrivalofautumn.bfan.link/aoa-ghosts.a01
Ty Fox comment,”Lyrically “Ghosts” is the heaviest song we’ve ever written, pointing to religious groups that have never taken proper accountability for their actions. . until today. The church continues to play a role in lying, blackmailing, and harassing children, and continues to protect those who harm children.
“Ghost” touches on Canada’s dark history and the genocide against indigenous people in its boarding school system. We didn’t choose to talk about them because that’s their story, but we owe it to those responsible.
The music video was so disturbing that it ended up being censored, but it’s nowhere near as disturbing as organized religious brutality.
the arrival of autumn started recording of Kingdom And And in August 2021 Mark Lewis Studio Produced in our own studios in Hendersonville, Tennessee and Grand Prairie AB, and completed in December 2021.album artwork is Travis Smith.
pre order Kingdom And And Here: https://bfan.link/AOA-KingdomUndone.a01

Kingdom And And Available in the following formats:
- CD jewel case
- T-shirt
- CD + T-shirt set
- Orange/Blue Swirl Vinyl
Below is Kingdom And And Track list:
1. Scar
2. Your fiction
3. Trust
4. Ghost
5. Hell Comes Home
6. Another day
7. Liminal
8. Burns
9. Master’s Serve
10. Very Me
11. Sacred
the arrival of autumn teeth:
Jamison Friesen | vocal
Brendan Anderson | guitar
Ryan Sorensen | guitar
Liam Frith | base
Ty Fox | drum
pre order revoked kingdom Here: https://bfan.link/AOA-KingdomUndone.a01
Follow Fall Arrivals: Website: https://www.arrivalofautumn.com/
YouTube: https://geni.us/Subs-AOA-YT
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArrivalOfAutumn
twitter: https://twitter.com/ArrivalOfAutumn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arrivalofau…
Tour dates: https://bnds.us/28rcz1
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