Our country is more divided than ever! If you want to thrive, you have to find common ground. Why do we have to talk circles around each other? What happened to the good old days when politicians could put their political differences aside and speak candidly? seems to have never existed. Any common sense or empathy can be undone by politicians who appeal hard to their roots or become too estranged from the public. These issues were perfectly demonstrated during a chat with current Senator Lindsey Graham and former Senator Al Franken. daily show.
I appreciate what Franken and (to a lesser extent) Graham were trying to do here. When members of Congress stalk the halls of their colleagues for fights or shout obscenities during the State of the Union address, it’s important to make sure these people are all friends. You realize the political strain on those relationships when it benefits them, but they are friends. I know that sometimes it’s easier to be friends with people you don’t like.
Companionship shows are all well and good, but they’re always undermined in this interview. Are the people I mentioned harassing co-workers? Franken points it out and Graham fires the main culprit, but is hesitant to admit how dangerous she is. Being a senator, Franken laughs and offers no resistance.
That being said, he may not want to. Franken and Graham initially found common ground by criticizing Trump, but Graham proudly admits that he wants Trump to be his next president. They then found common ground for dismissing the “defend the police” movement. The interview is 20 minutes long and some silly things are said throughout. The craziest is Al Franken, sitting in a city with a $12 billion annual police budget, dismissing the idea that police are being overpaid.
Franken and Graham reenact a scene from the film in perhaps one of the most jarring “old white” clichés during an interview. ExchangeThey bet on who will win the next election. Joe Biden or Donald Trump? One is leading the country after a disastrous previous government that, despite his flaws, tried to stay in power through a violent coup. bottom. Forgive my pearl clutch if you think betting a crisp Andrew Jackson in that election is tone-deaf at best.
At one point in the interview, Graham said that others daily show The guest host tried to get him on board, but he only spoke to Franken. None of the other hosts were old, untouched white men. How the hell did we find that elusive common ground that we so desperately need?! It’s not the way to be.
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