On Monday, April 8, 2024, tens of millions of Americans will see dusk at midday. Residents of major cities such as Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Little Rock, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Rochester will see day turn to night for up to four minutes as the moon obliterates the sun. Astrotourists from all over the world flock to narrow swaths of road that are completely blocked from the sun, desperate for a glimpse into another world.
It will be the first total solar eclipse to sweep the entire country since it traced its path from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017. Next year the period will be longer, covering a wider track, resulting in darker nights and more spectacular colors.
An annular solar eclipse will occur on October 14, 2023, before next year’s total solar eclipse. The annular solar eclipse extends from Oregon to Texas and can be seen where the skies are clear. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth when it is at its furthest point from Earth. Because the Moon does not completely cover the Sun (as in a total solar eclipse), the Sun’s surroundings remain visible, creating a “ring of fire” effect.
Where can you see the solar eclipse on April 8th?
During the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, the eclipse trail begins about 1,000 miles east-northeast of Samoa, but unless you own a yacht, you won’t be able to see it from there. It will arc across the equatorial Pacific and land in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Pass through Durango and Coahuila and cross the Rio Grande to reach the Edwards Plateau in Texas.
San Antonio and Austin are at the eastern end of the whole road, set to accept just a few tens of seconds of darkness. In fact, it doesn’t happen the entire time in downtown San Antonio, but it does for a few minutes in the northwestern suburbs. For example, at SeaWorld San Antonio, you get lucky with a total of 2 minutes and 7 seconds.
The end of the road to totality sharp, Subtle movements in the depths of the path give you more time to enjoy the show. For example, consider the San Antonio airport. Only a partial eclipse can be seen at the eastern end of the runway running from northwest to southeast, while a total eclipse of nearly one minute can be seen at the other end. Choose your location wisely.
From there, Dallas will see a total of 3:50 right after lunchtime, with Little Rock scheduled for 2:20. Indianapolis also has him scheduled for 3:50, which is just before 1:00 PM Central Time. Dayton, Toledo and Cleveland are next, but Columbus is just outside the roadside.
Ellie and Buffalo are immersed in darkness for approximately 3 minutes and 40 seconds each. So are Rochester and Watertown, New York. The shadow then passes through the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, northern New Hampshire, and the countryside of northern Maine. On the Canadian side of the U.S. border, Montreal shows his entire minute and twenty seconds.
A few lucky locations that saw a total solar eclipse in August 2017 will see it again in 2024. Carbondale, Illinois, in particular, is called the eclipse capital of the United States.
Consider the weather if you are planning a trip to see the eclipse. Historically, areas to the south and west, such as remote Texas, tend to be the most sunny. In New England and the Ohio Valley, historically he has proven erratic weather in early to mid-April, with clouds being a major concern.
A partial solar eclipse will occur over a much wider area outside the entire path, including much of North America. But anyone who has ever witnessed a total solar eclipse will tell you that the difference between the two is day and night.
prejudice Occurs when the Moon partially obscures the Sun. You cannot see the sun without proper protection (ISO-certified eclipse glasses, or welding goggles of shade 14 or better). Until about 80% of the sun is covered by the moon, the brightness (brightness) of the landscape does not change significantly.
bailey beads It appears just before the Moon completely covers the Sun, just before it is complete. The final hint of sunlight peeking out from the valley of the moon becomes a pinprick of brilliance. they finally diamond ring. Only after it’s gone can the safety glasses be safely removed — the whole thing has begun.
The sun’s corona, or the sun’s atmosphere, is visible from Earth only in wholeness. It resembles an elegant lion’s mane and is sheer in nature, shining a delicate white. Each hair-like filament is a solar material that tracks the sun’s magnetic field. It’s breathtaking.
The corona is hot, nearly 2 million Kelvin. That is, it is an order of magnitude hotter than the surface of the Sun. However, it is not dense and is made of ionized gas. In fact, it’s only about 1/10 billionth the density of the Earth’s atmosphere at sea level.
The brightness of the Sun usually prevents direct observation of the solar corona. That’s why solar eclipses present an incredible opportunity for scientists. Science aside, few sights are as spectacular as seeing the solar system unfold before your eyes. At times it is hard not to believe that the universe is a sentient being. During a total solar eclipse, one gets to stare at it.
More chances to see a total solar eclipse, but it won’t last for decades
If you miss the next total solar eclipse in 2024, there won’t be another total solar eclipse over the continental United States until August 2044. The total eclipse path crosses only a small portion of the north-central United States from western North Dakota. Entering Montana before curving north into Canada.
The good news is that next year there will be a more widespread total solar eclipse. On August 12, 2045, a total solar eclipse will cross the country from coast to coast, similar to his August 2017, but will extend from northern California to central Florida and further south.
The 2045 solar eclipse will be the last total coastal solar eclipse to occur this century. However, in 2052, 2078, 2079, 2097 (seen only in Alaska), and 2099, there will be five total eclipses across a smaller portion of the country.
Justin Grieser and Jason Samenow contributed to this report.
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